BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) Therapy Shaping Health Care

We’ve talked a bit before about Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) therapy before, specifically as it practiced by the physical therapy team at Zenergy Sports Rehabilitation Clinic. With some of the only certified BFR units in the state of Idaho, and therefore one of the few places patients and athletes can safely be administered this technology, we are especially excited to have found a recent article on Healthline (thank you Zenergy P.T. Karoline Droege for sharing it!).

The BFR units have become a staple in the clinic, and are an increasingly familiar site in the Zenergy gym during PT sessions. Embedded below is a quick camera-phone video shot by our clinic’s own Kyle Sela that gives a good visual of how the BFR cuffs are positioned while Kyle works with a client conducting one of our clinic’s available ‘Complete Physical Assessments’.

With the rising popularity of the therapeutic technique, the professionals at Zenergy Sports Rehabilitation Clinic caution you to undergo BFR only with a BFR-certified technician, as improper use could result in serious injury.

Happy healing or training!