Elevate Your Mind with Energy Meditation

Why an Energy Approach to Meditation?

Because it’s effective, efficient, fun, and, from certain perspectives, foundational. Traditional meditation often involves focusing on the breath and detaching from thoughts to quiet the mind. These practices are profound and time-honored methods for calming internal noise and enhancing presence.

However, meditation encompasses more than these methods. Let’s focus on achieving internal quiet and increased presence and explore how energy can be a powerful tool in this journey.

Here are two fundamental aspects of understanding energy with our inner experience:

  1. Energy in Thoughts and Emotions: Our physical world vibrates at the subatomic level, and similarly, our emotions and thoughts—joy, anger, sadness, and beliefs—carry energy. Our conscious and unconscious experiences influence our inner state and how we perceive life.
  2. Taking on Energy: Unlike physical objects with clear boundaries, emotions and thoughts can blur these lines. For instance, being an “emotional sponge” means absorbing others’ feelings and thoughts, which can weigh on us or cause confusion. “Groupthink” and “herd mentality” also illustrate how we can merge into collective energy, affecting our own.

Additionally, our energy can become dispersed, leading to feelings of being scattered or drained. We can address this by energetically separating ourselves from what isn’t ours and reclaiming our energy. This process can make us feel lighter, clear-headed, and more present, improving our ability to hear our inner voice and set boundaries.

An energy approach is effective and efficient. It’s also fun, offering new tools and perspectives on our experiences. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Consider exploring energy in these terms to shift your inner world and enhance your well-being.

Ready to elevate your inner energy? Reserve your spot in the upcoming clinic with Erica Linson.

Embodied Energy Meditation Clinic
Erica Linson
Saturdays – September 14, September 21, and September 28
2:00pm – 3:15pm
Yoga Studio
Members $75 | Non-Members $105
Drop in: Members $30 | Non-Members $40 (first class only)
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